Room in Selangor Kota damansara for RM600 per month


Roomtype : Room
Price : RM600 per month
Street : The Strand
Place : Kota damansara
State : Selangor
Start date : 2020-10-22
Views : 910


"?: kota damansara brand new rooms (fabulous deal)??

? kota damansara mrt & segi college damansara , sri kdu school

? train station:
i) ? kota damansara mrt: 3 minutes??‍
ii) ? mrt one utama : 8 minutes

2)?station : +03 minute ?
i) ? ?: go kl : ? line : go kl (purple line): 03 minutes
ii) ? ?rapid kl no.

?walking distance to :
5 min segi college?

only aircond is based on individual sub meter

type 1 :
single room
rm 550+(?aircon will have an individual meter )

type 2 :
single room with window
rm 580 + (?aircon will have an individual meter )

type 3 :
twin big room
rm 630 + (?aircon will have an individual meter )

rental inclusive:-
fully furnished rooms with aircond
washing machine
clothes dryer machine
water heater
water dispenser
induction cooker
* light cooking allowed ??

weekly cleaning services for common area ??

interested :-
please contact our community manager ?‍♂william liong ?
+60 19-652 9633

kindly whatsapp me william at 019-6529633"
